Minneapolis Crime Dashboard

Note: This is Kali Pliego’s full article of which there was an excerpt of in the February 2024 edition of the Alley Newspaper.


The above link provides a way for community members to look up crime data from the City of Minneapolis.  There are two tables available to view, each containing multiple menus to narrow or broaden the scope of data.  This is an under-utilized resource!  Here, I offer a quick class on using the crime dashboard.

The Summary table gives a comparison of year-to-date counts for crimes between the current year, previous year, and the average of the previous 3 years.  We can also see the data for the last 28 days, and comparisons to the previous year and average of the previous 3 years for that same time frame.  At a quick view, the table has small arrows pointing up or down, which indicate which way the data is trending for the time period.  Hover the mouse over any of the numbers or arrows in the table to see even more detailed information, including a definition for each listed offense.

Still looking at the Summary table, there is a menu to select the desired location.  The options for location can be by precinct, council ward, or neighborhood.  On the right-hand side of the screen there is a chart, which will show information for particular crimes and can be displayed in a variety of interesting ways.  For example, one could look at the distribution of robberies by council ward or day of the week.

On the Crime Details table, the user selects the date range, locations, type of crime, offense(s), and specific category of offense if applicable.  This would be a way to quickly look up how many of “X crime” occurred in my neighborhood during the year 2023, for example.  I imagine potential homebuyers using this tool to understand the landscape of crime for the area around a home on their list.  The chart function is on this table as well and functions the same.

For first time users of the Crime Dashboard, I encourage clicking on the tab “Before you Begin”, as well as the link to “View dashboard data definitions and detailed directions” at the bottom of the instructions.

I am always available to answer questions at kali.pliego@minneapolismn.gov